Signed, Sealed, Delivered:
Recollections from a Planet

Please contribute your memory to my current art installation
of recollections gathered from around the world.
To take part, please do the following:
1. SIGN Write down a significant memory that is meaningful to you. It can happy or sad, but should be one you wish to be either preserved or released from your past. Date and sign your note anonymously, using your initials only.
2. SEAL your memory in an envelope sized approximately 18 x 12 cm (7 x 5”) or preferably smaller. (Colourful or unique envelopes encouraged.) Stamp and mail envelope, without your return address, April 1 - 30th, 2019 to:
c/o Shary Bartlett
PO BOX 99900 WR 611 484
3. Once DELIVERED, your letter will remain unopened, be sealed in beeswax to preserve it, and combined with other missives from around the world to form an interactive art installation on the significance of memory and the human spirit.
All proceeds from the sale of this artwork will be donated to the Alzheimer Society of Canada.
Thank you for contributing your memory to this art installation.
Please share my invitation with others!
Watch the installation’s continued progress on Instagram and Facebook @sharybartlett
Contact shary@sharybartlett.com for more information. www.sharybartlett.com